24 Lessons I Learned in 2024


This year has been one of growth, reflection, and transformation. I’ve gathered some powerful lessons that have shifted my perspective on life, relationships, and self-leadership.

Here’s what 2024 taught me.

Relationships and Connection

  1. Sometimes old relationships have to fall away to create space for new, aligned ones.

  2. Sometimes old relationships can be renewed, but it requires your own leadership and intention—not waiting for the other person.

  3. That thing that’s super hard to say? Go say it, and you’ll liberate yourself.

  4. The sooner you say the thing, the sooner you release the energy.

  5. If you want something in a relationship or situation, you have to be the one bringing it to the table first.

  6. Are you angry, resentful, bitter, or disappointed? What you really want is connection—give yourself that.

Self-Leadership and Personal Growth

  1. If you want something in life, you have to be the one who brings it to life first! Freedom? Do things that make you feel FREE, and life will bring you more freedom.

  2. It’s most likely not them—it’s definitely you. Whenever you have something to say about someone, it’s pointing to something to shift within yourself.

  3. The Universe is not testing you but MAKING you.

  4. It takes as much energy to shrink (maybe more) as it does to stand tall. Lengthen your spine, pull your shoulders back, and stand up straight!

  5. Magic is often on the other side of courage.

  6. Without courage, you’ll stay the same.

Abundance and Joy

  1. Appreciation for the small things eventually brings you the big things.

  2. If you don’t appreciate the small things, you won’t appreciate the big things, so you’d better start appreciating now.

  3. Love is right in front of you.

  4. It’s either more than enough or never enough—the choice is yours.

  5. You create the meaning.

  6. Let go of the plan, say yes to the unexpected, and you’ll feel more joy.

  7. Full-body acceptance of the now—whatever the now is—is life-giving. Try it.

Creation and Purpose

  1. The joy is in the creating, so enjoy the journey.

  2. If you lose “everything,” it doesn’t matter because you know that you are the creator, so you’ll just keep creating.

  3. The life you want and keep envisioning is worth waiting for—but you have to stay the course.

  4. To blossom, you have to give yourself praise, attention, nourishment, and touch. This is what relationships need to thrive, too.

  5. Support and help can come to you in so many different ways if you’re open to it (which might be scary and super vulnerable).

Each of these lessons has been a gift, shaping who I’ve become and the life I’m creating. What lessons have you learned this year? I’d love to hear your reflections in the comments below.

Sandra Denise